"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Before the Morning
Matthew, I want to share this song with you. I had heard it and not paid much attention to it, but then Noni, sent me the lyrics and a link to listen to the song. Just heard it on the radio again. This song gives me a lot of hope, hope for me, hope for us. This is Josh Wilson- "Before the Morning". Here's the link to listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZDQzR8LK-c&feature=related . We're going to make it boo bear.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
You said the prayer at dinner tonight. Here is what you said,
"Dear God,
Thank you for Mommy getting better.
Help our family be together.
And help me not to spill my milk.
The first two sentences made me cry. And the last one made me smile. God hears your prayers sweetheart. Always.
"Dear God,
Thank you for Mommy getting better.
Help our family be together.
And help me not to spill my milk.
The first two sentences made me cry. And the last one made me smile. God hears your prayers sweetheart. Always.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Being a mom
The hardest thing about being a mom is watching your child suffer- in any way, be it physically or emotionally or whatever. When you hurt, I hurt. And I hurt bad. I know your little heart is breaking over the break-up of our family. I know you don't understand it. This weekend you were having a tantrum over getting your hair brushed and when I asked you what was really wrong you finally said, "Mommy, I just want you to live with me again". That broke my heart boo bear. I know you are hurting. Mommy is hurting too and even more so because you are hurting. This morning when I took you to school another little kid was being mean to you and it made me so mad. I tried to take up for you and when he started smart mouthing me, you took up for me! You were so good though- you weren't mean at all to this little boy. It breaks my heart that at three years old you are having to deal with bullies and kids being mean to you. I see them say things to you, and I want to put a protective bubble around you. I don't want anything to crush your spirit. I don't want anything to hurt you. It tears me to shreds to see you hurt. And this morning, that little boy, I know he is three and doesn't know what is going on for you at home, or that you have special needs and that to initiate play is HUGE for you, I know he doesn't know or understand that. It killed me to leave you in that classroom though. I felt like I was leaving a precious little lamb to be devoured by wolves. I have worried about you all day. I wonder if I should take you out of school. I worry what this is doing to your spirit and your self-esteem and all. I just don't want you to hurt. I know that it is human though. And I know I can't protect you from it. But it is so hard. It is definitely the hardest thing about being a mom. I love you my precious little angel. I admire your spirit. Keep fighting the good fight and know you are surrounded by love and support.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hey buddy. I haven't written on your blog in awhile because I don't know what to write. I don't know what the future of your blog will be. I started the blog writing about the journey of "Three Halsteads". Well it seems as though that journey may have ended. And it's not what I want buddy. I want it to be the three of us. Please believe that I do and I am fighting for that. But it takes all parties to make it work. This is tearing me up inside. But you need to know that whether this turns into the journey of "two Halsteads" or miraculously goes back to three, you are loved immensely. Your daddy and I love you so much and whatever happens between the two of us will never effect our love for you or you being taken care of. I PROMISE. You are one loved little boy. Everyone loves you Matthew, even the people you meet on the street- you have a charm and a way with people that make people smile and their heart beat for you. You are one incredible little boy. I told you in another note that none of our problems has to do with you and I want to tell you that again. And please know that I am still hoping for the three of us. I am not giving up. But no matter what happens, you will always be loved and cared for. And we will see what happens with the blog. It is painful for me to get on here and see what we used to have. But even if it becomes a journey of two, we have each other and our love and it will still be an adventure. And most importantly God is still in control. We just have to trust in him boo bear. We will make it through. I love you.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day Weekend
Hey sugar bear! Mommy had such a fun Labor Day weekend with you!! Saturday we went to "Aunt" Shelli's house to spend the weekend with her, Lizzy and Bradley. We had so much fun! Saturday we did some shopping, had lunch and went to arts & crafts. Then we decided to take you to play miniature golf for the first time. Oh my goodness, it will be a couple years before I ever do that again!! You lost interest pretty quickly and were not making good choices when it came to listening and staying with us! We chased you all over! I think you were just really tired, hungry and thirsty. It was definitely a memorable experience though! Here are a few pictures I got of you and Lizzy before the craziness began!

When we got back from golfing, Mr. Bradley thought you might like to see his car- a "real live Hot Wheel"!!! Oh my goodness, you were starstruck! Love at first sight! You were sooooo excited to meet a "real live Hot Wheel". It was absolutely precious! You wanted me to take your picture with his car over and over again. And every time we would come out of their house you wanted to run over and see it and have your picture taken with it! So cute! You said it "looked like honey" with it's yellow color and a new nickname for Bradley's car has been born! I'm sure he's thrilled with it! Ha Ha!

We spent the night in Lizzy's pink room (thanks for letting us have your bed Liz!) and woke up ready to go Sunday morning! We had a busy morning playing on the playground, feeding the ducks and swimming. You loved every second of it and played hard! Mr. Bradley made you a fabulous PB&J for lunch (what you wanted!) and you gulped it down and then proceeded to eat pizza with the rest of us! You worked up an appetite! We did a little more shopping and then came home. You and Lizzy both fell asleep on the trip back, but I promised Lizzy I wouldn't post the pictures of her asleep (hey, I've been 12 before too!), but here is a sweet one of you two right after she woke up.

We both slept well Sunday night! Monday we played hard and did a lot of snuggling. We built another incredible Mommy-Matthew train track! Mommy was really proud of this one- we managed to get all the buildings connected too! And this afternoon you made me laugh- you were running around the house shouting "Ka-boo, Ka-boo!" with your arms stretched out in front of you. I asked you if you were playing Superheros and you said, "No Mommy, I'm just Ka-booing!" You always make me laugh! Fun memories! I had a really fun weekend with you sweet pea and can't wait for the next one!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Technology Whiz
Yes, you are your daddy's boy and you are a technology whiz. You continue to amaze me every day with your knowledge of how things work. Months ago you astounded me that at just three years old you could get on the computer and get to your computer games, not only play them by yourself but navigate around the website all by yourself! Well tonight you did it again. You my friend, taught me, your 32-year old mom, how to play games on daddy's Droid. And you're only three! I can't get over it. At one point you were actually moving my fingers to the right places to push and all because I was confused. I just have to shake my head in amazement at you! You are one technical whiz! Definitely your daddy's boy! Here are some pictures of you on Daddy's Droid tonight playing games. (Daddy took these on his other Droid....don't ask!)
In this one you look just like your daddy. And thanks for teaching me how to use the Droid boo bear! I know I'll need your help in the coming years (what the heck, I need your help now!)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Camera Phones
Yes, camera phones. They are nothing new. We have had cameras on our phones since before you were born. They are pretty much standard on phones now. But oh my, have they come a long way! Daddy took you to the park yesterday and these are some of the pictures he took on his phone. Better than what we get on our camera! I can't imagine where technology will be when you are old enough to care about this blog- you will probably roll your eyes at my amazement! But I am completely blown away by these pictures your daddy took of you....on his phone!!!
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