Hey sugar bear! Mommy had such a fun Labor Day weekend with you!! Saturday we went to "Aunt" Shelli's house to spend the weekend with her, Lizzy and Bradley. We had so much fun! Saturday we did some shopping, had lunch and went to arts & crafts. Then we decided to take you to play miniature golf for the first time. Oh my goodness, it will be a couple years before I ever do that again!! You lost interest pretty quickly and were not making good choices when it came to listening and staying with us! We chased you all over! I think you were just really tired, hungry and thirsty. It was definitely a memorable experience though! Here are a few pictures I got of you and Lizzy before the craziness began!

When we got back from golfing, Mr. Bradley thought you might like to see his car- a "real live Hot Wheel"!!! Oh my goodness, you were starstruck! Love at first sight! You were sooooo excited to meet a "real live Hot Wheel". It was absolutely precious! You wanted me to take your picture with his car over and over again. And every time we would come out of their house you wanted to run over and see it and have your picture taken with it! So cute! You said it "looked like honey" with it's yellow color and a new nickname for Bradley's car has been born! I'm sure he's thrilled with it! Ha Ha!

We spent the night in Lizzy's pink room (thanks for letting us have your bed Liz!) and woke up ready to go Sunday morning! We had a busy morning playing on the playground, feeding the ducks and swimming. You loved every second of it and played hard! Mr. Bradley made you a fabulous PB&J for lunch (what you wanted!) and you gulped it down and then proceeded to eat pizza with the rest of us! You worked up an appetite! We did a little more shopping and then came home. You and Lizzy both fell asleep on the trip back, but I promised Lizzy I wouldn't post the pictures of her asleep (hey, I've been 12 before too!), but here is a sweet one of you two right after she woke up.

We both slept well Sunday night! Monday we played hard and did a lot of snuggling. We built another incredible Mommy-Matthew train track! Mommy was really proud of this one- we managed to get all the buildings connected too! And this afternoon you made me laugh- you were running around the house shouting "Ka-boo, Ka-boo!" with your arms stretched out in front of you. I asked you if you were playing Superheros and you said, "No Mommy, I'm just Ka-booing!" You always make me laugh! Fun memories! I had a really fun weekend with you sweet pea and can't wait for the next one!
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